Saturday, July 4, 2009

Florissant & Cripple Creek Colorado - Nature Ali's Grand Adventure - Day 5, June 24th.

I thought the kids had bought a house I had been to but didn't recognize the place the GPS steered me to, fact was I had not been to the house before, it was a different one then I knew. A knock at the window by my daughter-in-law at 6 a.m. tells me my GPS was right.
I awoke to the song of many birds, but I didn't recognize many of the songs. But looking them up would have to wait, exhaustion really took hold after little sleep most of the trip, Brandon and Desiree went to work and I back to sleep for a few hours.
A luxurious shower and some computer and photo housekeeping on their patio allowed me to experience a new life bird, the Cordilleran Flycatcher. It kept landing right next to me on the trees. I looked to see if it had a nest nearby, but I found nothing, I guess it just liked those trees to perch on.
At about noon, I took a drive into Cripple Creek for lunch with the kids (in their late 20's and early 30's, I guess they aren't kids anymore!) Along the way a bunch of Gunnison Prairie Dogs played near a little pond. Lots of birds and a muskrat were utilizing the pond which thrilled me and added lots of critters to my trip list.
The kids were great but the stress of work in the gambling industry was apparent, they were looking forward to their days off. After a wonderful cleansing thunderstorm rolled through Cripple Creek, the skies cleared and we drove a circuitous route back to their house. Then visited the nearby Platt River where a beautiful male Broad-tailed Hummingbird nectared on many of the flowers and they let my grand-duck, Peepers go for a swim.

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